


How to Add Schedules

docs_16.gifHow to View a Bill

docs_16.gifHow to Add Transactions after the Finalization Date







The Billing Center allows the user to manage their billing programs and reports in one location.  Users can obtain valuable information at a quick glance, and work with multiple billing programs at once.



Billing Program View




The Billing Center view displays a list of all active Billing Programs.  The view can be filtered by:


Schedule Status


The clock icon to the left of the Billing Program name indicates the status of the Program's Schedules.  


clocks.pngBilling Program has Schedules

Billing Program has run out of Schedules

Current Schedule has been suspended


docs_16.gif How to Add Schedules



Batch Information


The following Batch information is also displayed for each Billing Program:




Batch(s): displays the following information for each Batch associated with the Schedule:


1. Batch Number


2. Batch Status: CBA will display In Progress if the Batch is still open, and Finalized On MM/DD/YYYY if the Batch has been finalized and is no longer open.


3. Finalize link: allows users to finalize the batch prior to the scheduled finalization date.


flag_tall.gifPlease exercise caution when using the Finalize Button.  For example, if you have sent your bill out for approval, please double check the bill in CBA upon approval to ensure you are finalizing the correct bill.  If more than one day has passed between the time the bill was sent out and the time it was approved, the bill may contain additional items because Billing Automation runs nightly.





Last Run: the date the billing was last run.  The date refers to both automated and manual billings.





Status: the status of the current schedule.  The Status can be one of the following:


Billing Status


The status of a billing is displayed in the Status column next to the corresponding Billing Program.



Current Billing in Progress



Actions Menu    




Clicking the empty area on any Billing Program's row will open the Actions Menu.  The items on the Actions Menu vary depending on whether the Billing Program has schedules.


When Schedules are enabled, the following actions are displayed:















When Schedules are not enabled, the following actions are displayed:



docs_16.gif How to Add Schedules

docs_16.gif How to View a Bill