

docs_16.gifCBA Concepts: Insured Property



Drivers can also be added while adding Coverage.


docs_16.gifAdd Coverage


flag.gifBefore adding a Driver, please use Search to verify that it does not already exist.



1. Navigate to the Unit to which you would like to add the new Driver.



Locate the Unit by navigating to the Contractor the Unit is associated with, or use Search.


info.pngIf you cannot locate the Unit, you can add it, or contact an administrator.


docs_16.gifAdd a new Unit




2. Click Add Driver



















3. Enter an effective date and click Add a new Driver.



info.pngExisting drivers can also be added.



Add a Driver








4. Enter the new Driver information.



Enter the Driver information and click Continue >>.


info_tall.gifIf the Driver is an owner / operator and has the same information as the Contractor, you can click Fill information from Contractor to automatically fill in the fields.












add_16.gifclick the image to enlarge



6. Add the new Driver.




















Review the information you have entered and click Finish >>.  If you need to make corrections, click << previous step.



7. Review the new Driver information.


f.pngYou will be taken back to the Unit page.  Please navigate to the Driver page and verify that the information is correct.


info.pngYou can now add Coverage for the new Driver.



Add Coverage











CBA Concepts: Insured Property